- Use a shoe box to hide your more obvious items.
- Keep herbs stored in ziploc bags to easily conceal them.
- Take up “rock collecting”.
- Candles and incense because they “smell good!”
- Use an Altoids tin as an altar.
- Buy crystal jewelry.
- Use perfume to cleanse.
- Essential oils can be used in place of most herbs and are less obvious.
- Get into cooking, buying herbs is justified then. Plus, kitchen magic!
- Use old makeup/perfume/mason jars for spell jars.
- You can use almost any necklace as a pendulum.
- Use spice jars for tiny spell bottles.
- Put an altar in a spare drawer.
- Playing cards can be used in place of tarot cards and are very common.
- There are a lot of virtual apps geared towards witches that are easily hidden.
- You can put sigils, tiny crystals, among other things in lockets to hide them but be able to wear them.
- Farmer’s almanacs are just as good as the witch geared ones if you add some information to them, and they are more mundane.
- Acorn caps make good biodegradable offering cups.
- Get into crafts! You can make some really cool witch stuff that can also just be taken as “artsy”.
- Taking a few pinches from your parent’s kitchen cabinets is never a bad idea . Unless caught.
- Store things in big, boring looking books.
- Seashells and rocks with natural holes make great windchime elements.
- You can say your bos/grimoire is a dream journal, which are fairly common and not suspicious.
- Draw sigils on with lotion or washable marker.
- A tea bag in your clothing drawer can help imbue clothing with the attributes of the tea you use.
- Draw sigils on the bottom of your shoes.
- Make a virtual altar instead of a physical one.
- Always remember to clear that browsing history!
- Draw small sigils on your nails then cover them with nailpolish.
- Pretty much everything at a craft store can be used for witchcraft. Except maybe the older people who shop there.
- You can buy really really small jars online and make them traveling spell jars.
- You can enchant jewelry to keep spells close to you.
- You can make friendship bracelets/lanyards with colors corresponding to your intent.
- Enchanting something you wear daily like glasses or shoes with a ward is something that could be done if one doesn’t wear jewelry.
- If you’re into sewing/cross-stitching: incorporate secret sigils into the design.
- You can grow plant ingredients under the guise of eating healthier.
- Buy soap/shampoo etc with scents to match different intents.
- Pencil cases are inconspicuous!
- You can use birthday candles instead of actual candles.
- Obtaining scented candles a covert way of having colored candles… and if you want scentless you can just say you like the aesthetic but not the smell.
- Bath salts can have magical intent and be just as effective as a for bath.
- Doodling is a great way to cover up sigils in a notebook.
- Grow plants. Collect rainwater. Say rainwater is for plants. Cackle to self.
- Make a private discord server for taking to deities.
- Threads that hang off of clothing or coats are good for thread magic so long as you don’t have to do a ton with them.
- Cleaning and cleansing go hand in hand.
- Virtual or sketched altar.
- Usually the isle that carries Ethnic food carries SUPER cheap herbs.
- All astrology is just you getting really into horoscopes.
- If you want a more accurate birth chart, ask your parents for your time of birth. Say it’s out of curiosity.
- Weird witch stuff lying around? You like the aesthetic from Charmed.
- Sigils don’t have to be considered witchcraft. Say they’re like a good luck charm.
- Make your own jewelry, beads, gems,threads, color correlation, etc.
- Pinterest boards are great for various things. Dedicating things to deities, saving spells, etc.
- Stuffed animals as representations of deities.
- Thread magic = sewing and crocheting.
- Side blogs on Tumblr are similar to pinterest boards!
- Sigils on the bottom of hair spray cans for glamours.
- Nail Polish = color correlation.
- Quote: “My room smells weird so that’s why I’m burning like 100 candles and some incense”. Works every time.
- You can make your own tarot cards with inconspicuous symbols and photos on them, say they’re drawings.
- Fairy lights in your room because they “look cool”.
- Put your bos in something that looks like a school notebook.
- Leave offerings outside if safe. Bury them! But don’t bury things that are bad for the enviroment!!!
- If you want to use a ouija board, there are quite a few virtual ones.
- Any herbs you can get be purely for tea and nothing else.
- If someone catches you meditating, tell them it’s for relaxation.
- Draw sigils on the top of your ceiling fan. The fan will charge them while on! - Not recommended you do with a permanent marker!
- Draw a sigil on the charger base of your electronic devices.
- Charge your makeup/hair products/perfume/cologne up with whatever you’d like.
- Lemon water makes a great cleansing spray and is usually not suspicious.
- Sigils inside your phone case!
- Enchant your jewelry or watches.
- Draw a sigil with a white crayon on paper.
- Put a pouch of herbs in your clothing drawers, if someone finds them, say it’s to decrease bad smells.
- Incorporate magic into art.
- Write poetry to your deities.
- Study herb pouch and gemstones in your backpack.
- Oils and herb pillow for your glasses case to encourage clear vision.
- Make your own paper and use flowers/seeds/etc to create a design.
- Sticky notes for sigils inside a school locker.
- Correlate your clothing to your intent that day.
- Sigils on a hair ribbon or enchanted ribbon.
- Put your intent into your food and drinks.
- Learn to make your own tea.
- Keep a penny in your pocket for luck.
- Google drive vs physical bos if you’re worried about your parents seeing it
- Slowly start buying candles and bam you wont be questioned because they are just candles!
- Craft store stars painted with black-light paint placed on your ceiling in constellation arrangements.
- Drink fruit infused water/tea.
- Carry salt in old film bottles or similar cases to help cleanse your purse or bag.
- Salt packets are free at fast food places.
- Enchant your bank account/wallet/piggy bank/etc so that it charges your money!
- Use travel size medicine bottles to hold random mini witch things: twig, pebbles, sand, salt, etc.
- Draw elemental items to encourage their energies around you.
- Leave sticky notes with magical symbols on your desk or in your locker to generate positive energy for the next school day overnight.
- Terrariums and shadowboxes have always been popular, make it your altar or invitation to the fae.
- Fairy gardens have been a thing for a long, long time. They’re not suspicious and very good for attracting the fae!
- Enchant counter bowls of fruit or breads so that the food decays slower.
- Remember that no matter what, whether you can openly practice or not, that you are just as valid of a witch!
Altar Tips
- Video games (sims, minecraft)
- Altoid tins
- Windowsills
- Closet-altars
- Dresser drawers
- Under the bed
- Shoebox
- Drawing your altar
- Photo collage
- Blogs
- Journals/books
- A pot of plants
- Outdoors
- If you can climb, a tree
- Google Docs
- Apps (viridi, plant nanny)
- Phone background
- Pencil box
- Flashdrives
- Imagination
- Private Discord server
- Bookshelf, hidden behind books or even IN a book.
- Photo albums (phone or computer)
- “Arts and crafts”
- “It’s just decoration!”
- “I really like candles/crystals/greek mythology…?”
- Use a garden
- School locker
- Jars
- A vanity
- Music playlists
- Under the sink
- In a laundry hamper
- Fish tank (make sure you know how to properly care for whatever aquatic animal you’re going to house!)
- Keep altar supplies in a bag/box, only set up when needed.
- Case for glasses
- Under a pillow on your bed
- Keep an altar page in your BoS/Grimoire
- Use a sketchbook
- Paint
- Describe an altar in poetry/writing
- Use the astral
- Make your room your altar by using posters and decor
- Floral arrangements
- Glove compartment in a vehicle
- Jewellery box
- Computer background
- Just don’t have one, if it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe. You’re still a valid witch without an altar, waiting is sometimes safer and worth it. Someday you’ll have the altar of your dreams!
I found these on tumblr blog Wynterwitch. Hope they help
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